Sunday, 4 August 2013

Character Sprites Part 1

Hey all!

Ugh, I am exhausted. Been so busy these past few days. In fact I just got back from seeing the new movie The World's End. It was awesome and I seriously recommend it.

Anyway today I'm posting the basic sprites of the main character group in The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade RPG (jeez that's a mouthful). Of course there's a lot more than just these basic everyday sprites but I don't want to be posting every single costume and condition. It'd be just to much to give away in one sitting after all.

Bjarnn; the Nomad monk.

Kar'zhel; the Engiko shaman.

Gavin; the Human rogue.

Melaine; the Elf mage.

Drakken; the Human soldier.

And of course the series' namesake:

Blood-Eye Blade; the Elf assassin.

The images are blown up some of course, so you can actually see them. See how considerate I am?

- Drkvixn.

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