The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade was, for the longest of times, nothing more than an idea, an imagining. It started out as a fantasy, a daydream, for which to occupy my mind before sleep and in long absences of anything else. It was a daydream that took several months to reach its ending. Once ompleted it was shoved to the back of my brain and swapped for a new one but instead of slowly fading ino nothingness it stayed, hovering on the edge of my consciousness. When six months later I found I could still recall almost every detail of the story I made the decision to turn it into a piece of fiction. And so began the long, arduous journey to bring this legend to life...
Starting off, The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade was a simple day dream set in the universe of World of Warcaft, following the story of a strange Blood-Elf who was taken by the current Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream, and forced to become an assassin, and the Orc Drakken whose curiosity about the elf led to him and his friends being caught in the middle of a war.
I decided to first turn the story into a FanFiction novel.
About half way through the first draft I realised that with a bit of work the story could be turned into something that could actually be published and I started planning to turn this FanFiction story into a real novel.
Finally, I recently purchased a copy of RPG Maker VX Ace (thank you Steam Sales!) and while doing a short tutorial and wondering what I would do with this new program I realised I had a story already all planned out that could, with a bit of tweaking, be made into a cool game.
Now I'm working my way through all three projects, slowly but surely. This site is where I will post all information regarding this series of projects including updates on my progress, glimpses at the product, news, etcetera. For more information on any particular project click on them in the bar overhead.
Please note that all images posted here are my own work unless otherwise stated. Any images posted here may be used in not-for-profit circumstances as long as you have asked for my permission and give full credit. For any other purposes PM me and we'll talk.
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