I recently purchased a copy of RPG Maker VX Ace (thank you Steam Sales!) and while doing a short tutorial and wondering what I would do with this new program I realised I had a story already all planned out that could, with a bit of tweaking, be made into a cool game.

As such The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade RPG was born!

The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade RPG will be based more on the eventual novel than the fanfiction story. I know a few people may be concerned about that, considering that I haven't actually started working on the novel yet, but there are a number of reasons for this.
First off, I really do not want to risk getting in trouble with Blizzard. The last thing I want or need is to be taken to court over this game. 
Secondly, while I say it will be based on the novel what I actually mean is that it will be placed in my own universe instead of that of World of Warcraft. So the characters will be of different races, they will go to different locations, that sort of thing. Even if I had a completed novel to work off I wouldn't be able to follow it very closely. A game and a book are two very different things. If I were to follow the book down to the letter then the game would likely be more like a visual novel than an RPG. To turn it into an interactive game a few changes must be made, new scenes must be included, and certain story elements must be left out completely. 
But the the story will be recognisably that of Blood-Eye Blade.

The story is a long ways off being completed as I've only started this past week but already we're getting somewhere. The story is slowly coming together and the characters and sprites are being designed as we speak. More information will be available soon, but remember this project is something I am doing for fun as a hobby. As such it has no estimated release dates, no deadlines, and I'm working all by my lonesome. Be patient.

The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade RPG will be available to download and free.

During my exploration of this RPG I was given the inspiration to put the Legend of Blood-Eye Blade into Visual Novel form! Thankfully that requires less work (aside from the character portaits) than the RPG and will be an exact replica of the fanfiction but with pretty pictures and music.

The demo can be found here.

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