The FanFiction Story

The project I've worked on most so far is my fanfiction novel, The Legend of Blood Eye Blade.

The Legend of Blood Eye Blade is being posted on FanFiction.netArchiveofourown and DeviantArt. Though if you are interested in reading it I recommend following the one on or Archive simply because they will always be the most up-to-date.
So far I've only posted the prologue and the first chapter but behind the scenes I've almost finished the complete first draft of the novel.
This particular story, when complete, is going to be 21 chapters long (including the prologue and epilogue) and approximately 100,000 words, give or take several thousand.

The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade is set in the universe of World of Warcaft, following the story of a strange Blood-Elf who was taken by the current Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream, and forced to become an assassin, and the Orc, Drakken, whose curiosity about the elf led to him and his friends being caught in the middle of a war.

Here's a little peek at the prologue.

There are few in this world, Horde, Alliance, or otherwise, who have not heard of the infamous Blood-Eye Blade.

Stories are circled around bars and domiciles late at night of a man. A man who leaves murder and carnage in his wake. A man whose blades are permanently drenched in liquid crimson, whose eyes glow red with blood… A terrifying vision indeed.

But few people know the true story behind the legend. Few people know who Blood-Eye Blade once was, how he came to be the harbinger of death that he is known as today.

This is not a written history of this most villainous character; most of his terrible deeds are already common knowledge. This is not a bedtime story to tell children in the eve.

This is a story of peace and war, love and hate, life…and death.

This is the tale of how one of the most feared men in Azeroth met his demise. This is the true Legend of Blood-Eye Blade…

As written by Bjarnn Featherhoof.

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