Yay! So much yay!
After a year of on and off (mostly off) work I have almost finished the Chapter by Chapter Summary.
Well, I call it that but with each summary being more detailed than a "summary" and being on average about 1, 500 words (some less, some a lot more), I figure it's more of a first draft.
Anyway, today I finished the 3, 300 word summary for Chapter 19 and all that's left is the Epilogue summary. Yay!
After I write up that last chapter summary then I have to have it looked over for consistency, etcetera, but still it's more than a little gratifying to finally have something tangible to show for my hours and hours of effort.
And I'm also very proud (and very scared) as this summary is, in total, almost as long as the longest chaptered story I've every written (which was about 30,000 words). So I estimate the finished product will be a minimum of 80, 000 words. Most likely though it will be closer to 100,000. Which for me, personally, is huge!
It's both exciting and daunting at the same time. Now I'll be able to focus more on the actual story.