Monday, 2 September 2013

New Character Portrait - Blood-Eye Blade

New character portrait for The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade Fanfic. 

Setheren Lightbearer/Blood-Eye Blade

Do ignore the extra red lines on the left and the rather extreme yellowness of his hair. It has recently come to my attention I need new pale yellow markers but I have not yet gotten around to doing this.

 'Til next time!

- Drkvixn91

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

So Close...

Yay! So much yay! 

After a year of on and off (mostly off) work I have almost finished the Chapter by Chapter Summary. 

Well, I call it that but with each summary being more detailed than a "summary" and being on average about 1, 500 words (some less, some a lot more), I figure it's more of a first draft.

Anyway, today I finished the 3, 300 word summary for Chapter 19 and all that's left is the Epilogue summary. Yay!

After I write up that last chapter summary then I have to have it looked over for consistency, etcetera, but still it's more than a little gratifying to finally have something tangible to show for my hours and hours of effort. 

And I'm also very proud (and very scared) as this summary is, in total, almost as long as the longest chaptered story I've every written (which was about 30,000 words). So I estimate the finished product will be a minimum of 80, 000 words. Most likely though it will be closer to 100,000. Which for me, personally, is huge!

It's both exciting and daunting at the same time. Now I'll be able to focus more on the actual story.

- Drkvixn91


 Edit: As of now I have completely finished the chapter by chapter summary/first draft. Yay!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Character Sprites Part 1

Hey all!

Ugh, I am exhausted. Been so busy these past few days. In fact I just got back from seeing the new movie The World's End. It was awesome and I seriously recommend it.

Anyway today I'm posting the basic sprites of the main character group in The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade RPG (jeez that's a mouthful). Of course there's a lot more than just these basic everyday sprites but I don't want to be posting every single costume and condition. It'd be just to much to give away in one sitting after all.

Bjarnn; the Nomad monk.

Kar'zhel; the Engiko shaman.

Gavin; the Human rogue.

Melaine; the Elf mage.

Drakken; the Human soldier.

And of course the series' namesake:

Blood-Eye Blade; the Elf assassin.

The images are blown up some of course, so you can actually see them. See how considerate I am?

- Drkvixn.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

RPG Face Sets Part 2

Ugh what a day! I hate early mornings. Any time before 8.30am should not exist. Like the world should just pop back into existence once we reach that time. 

Anyway... Yesterday I gave you music, today I will give you more pretty face sets for The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade RPG.

Now they're not exactly new, just the cloaked and disguised versions of the characters we introduced in Part 1 of this post but still. 

Bjarnn - Cloak

Kar'zhel - Cloak

Melaine - Cloak

Melaine - Nun Disguise

Now I bet you're wondering exactly why the nun disuise is needed aren't you? Well you'll see. You will see...


 - Drkvixn

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Fanfiction Soundtrack

Today's post (and while I'm writing a new post every day at the moment, don't expect it to last), is about music. Specifically the "soundtrack" of The Legend o Blood-Eye Blade fanfiction story.

I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but when I write long stories I like to have a sountrack that matches the feel of a chapter. I also like to include the lyrics to that song at the end of each chapter so other people may enjoy it too.

So, coming up are the twenty songs I've chosen for this piece of writing, in no particular order. 
This should be completely obvious but just in case I'll say it...I do not hold any rights to these songs or their lyrics. Same goes for when they appear in the story.

1. Johnny Blade - Black Sabbath
2. Lucifer's Angel - The Rasmus
3. Be My Escape - Relient K
4. Hero - Skillet
5. Silence - Vanilla Ninja
6. My Name (Wearing Me Out) - Shinedown
7. Amaryllis - Shinedown
8. The Coldest Night - Vanilla Ninja
9. In My Defense (Freddy Mervury Cover) - Avantasia
10. We All Fall Down - Darius Rucker
11. Battle Scars - Guy Sebastian
12. I'm Still Here - John Rzeznik
13. Any Means Necessary - Hammerfall
14. Take It Back - Miracle of Sound
15. Heart of Steel - Manowar
16. Sword & Shield - Sister Hazel
17. Dying For An Angel - Avantasia
18. Shine - Mr Big
19. It's My Life - Bon Jovi
20. Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkson

Well that's it for now. Happy listening!

- Drkvixn

RPG Face Sets Part 1

I've had these three done for a week now but I didn't want to bombard the home page with posts so I'm putting them here now. 

Yes the face sets of Melaine, Bjarnn, and Kar'zhel for their RPG appearance. I may yet make some changes, but this is what we've got so far.




I've  also done the cloaked and disguised versions of them (as necessary) and may end up having to do more as the situations arise. I just don't feel like posting those images right now. /shrug

These images were created using the faces given by RPG Maker as a base. There may be recognisable similarities in face shapes.

- Drkvixn

PS. Dreadlocks are annoying to do.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Pretties for you!

A while back I uploaded some art for The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade (the fanfiction story) here on DeviantArt.  

Drawn by hand and coloured using Letraset ProMarkers (I so need more colours). 

Enjoy the pretties!
Blood-Eye Blade - Sleepy

Blood-Eye Blade - Cover Image

Gavin - Portrait

Melaine - Portrait
That's all for the moment. Keep checking back for more news, updates, and pretties!


Friday, 26 July 2013

We Are Live!

The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade site is now live! 

Hello passersby. 
This site is dedicated to bringing you news and up-to-date information regarding the Blood-Eye Blade series including the fanfiction story, the eventual novel, and the RPG. 

First off I'd like to welcome you here and thank you for taking the time to come check us out. For those of you who don't know exactly what The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade is please take a look at our 'About the Legend' page. It'll give you a short run down on what it is and how it came to be. 

So come in, take a look around and keep an eye out for updates in the future. 

- Drkvixn91.