Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Blood-Eye Blade Visual Novel Update

Good news everyone!

I have updated my visual novel! The newest version now follows through to the end of chapter 2!

While the VN still does not include any character graphics (those take the longest to do aside from the writing), all backgrounds are in, along with background music and now even sound effects!

Also included is the new user interface, a huge improvement on the old one. It now allows readers to skip forward and back pages, skip to the next chapter, toggle UI visibility, view the text log, and now has working saves!

So please try it out! It can be found here:

Goodnight world! (Or not, since I'll be up for a long time yet)

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Repost: The Legend of Blood-Eye Blade Visual Novel Demo, New chapter announcement, and other news!

Eheh...heh... Sorry?

Yeah I know, I'm a terrible person. I deleted the old file for the demo (mentioned in my last post) quite some time ago and never bothered to link the new file. Sorry!

But here it is now! It concludes of the prologue and the first chapter. Backgrounds, music, text, and menus are all there. The only thing missing so far is the character portraits. But they'll take the longest aside from the writing.

In other news I have recently joined up with A great fanfiction website in its beta. So from now on you can also find my stories here

Finally, chapter 2 (or 3 if you use archiveofourown (same content)) is up! A ridiculous 9.5k words! That's longer than half my old stories... 

That's all for the moment! Brief, I know, but there's so much to do and the lists just grow longer with each passing day.
